Tis’ The Season To Be Wary

That’ right it is the official opening of the political season here in Minnesota. The Super minnesota-caucusBowl is done and on Tuesday, Minnesotans will caucus. Caucusing in Minnesota is the first step in choosing a new Governor, State Representatives, U.S. Representatives, and a Senator.

To be sure the “serious” candidates will have their people out at the caucuses but because of the local nature of each precinct, individuals can have an impact on the process. It is your chance to get involved at the actual grassroots level.

Well I’ve always chided people for not getting involved so now it’s time for me to finally step up. As a native Minnesotan and a recently returned one – I’m going to caucus.

With whom, you might ask. I’ll give you a hint or two.

The last time I was actively involved with partisan politics I volunteered on George McGovern’s presidential campaign.

And did I mention that I even got to sit in Orville Freeman’s chair when he was the Governor of Minnesota? Of course I was way too young to vote then!

Find your caucus at: caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us

Author: gobblersnob

An old curmudgeon

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