Oh Them Dems!

Nice job Democrats! You really nailed the messaging at your convention last week! I few technical glitches but great programing! With no second half of the season pennant runs to distract me, my political wonkiness lead me to take a peak at a virtual political convention.

Was I pleasantly surprised! It was entertaining and at times riveting!

The opening night singing of the national anthem brought me to tears. Yes, I am a patriot – disappointed and discouraged but still a patriot. Second place for the best singing of national anthem goes to the Chicks – loved their original harmony – they left me misty-eyed. Stories of people from all over the United States both hopeful and sad were told with great care and expert editing. The story lines were exceptionally interwoven into each night’s theme. The roll call of the states was WAY BETTER than live roll calls – watching it unfold sure left me hungry for calamary! Barak’s break with tradition was nothing compared to the bulldozer that The Donald has taken to tradition and decency, so it’s all’s fair in a battle for democracy. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was a welcome comedic counterpoint to the seriousness of the final evening. Finally, the much anticipated speech by Joe Biden, left me gaffless!

From a media coverage perspective, I tried a little bit of everyone. Was disappointed in PBS, CBS, and NBC. I finally settled in with MSNBC nicely done Joy, Rachel, and Nicolle. But it was in the 11th Hour with Brian Williams that they really were the most entertaining and giddy. Very fun to watch the three exhausted hosts let their collective hair down.

So this week it is on to the Republican convention. The bar has been set high.

Please pleasantly surprise me again!

Author: gobblersnob

An old curmudgeon

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