It’s just too much!

California is burning. World record temperature in Death Valley, record all time high temperatures set all over the state. Yet we talk about “forest management” and ignore global warming.

Siberian forest fires are burning an area over 3 times the size of the state of Minnesota. But there is no one to fight most of them.

Permafrost is adding greenhouse gasses to atmosphere at record levels. But our government sells leases to oil companies to explo(it)er in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Greenland is becoming green as its glaciers melt at a record pace. No doubt making it easier to extract rare earth minerals and you guessed it oil that the US wants, ergo, our overture to buy the island.

The Amazon rain forests are burning at a rate greater than last year’s record fires. Called the lungs of the planet now they have their own case of pneumonia.

The Antarctic ice shelves have been losing massive amounts if ice for over 25 years. A testament to our ignorance as a species.

By the time you read this the United States alone will have had over 200,000 people die from the Covid-19 virus. Yet we have no national health plan or system.

Racism in the United States has been unmasked as violently systemic. We have become the world leader in promoting white supremacy and nativism.  

Black Lives Matter. Apparently, it matters that they are kept as an economically deprived underclass in the richest country in the world so that the richest 1% can get even richer.

A legal titan of women’s rights dies and before her body is cold the political firestorm begins over the process of choosing her replacement to the supreme court.

The list goes on and on and on, of these big issues that the people and our government must address if we are to survive and thrive in our communities and on our planet.

What choices do I have? An ego maniac who sows division to consolidate his own power or a well intentioned old white guy with the energy of a 5 watt refrigerator bulb.

God help us all!

Author: gobblersnob

An old curmudgeon

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